Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wise Torchbearer

Fr. Peter Damien Fehlner, FI
Fr. Peter was ordained in Rome in 1957, where he received the Doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Seraphicum with a study on the ecclesiology of St. Bonaventure. For nearly 40 years he taught theology in various Franciscan schools and seminaries in the United States and in Italy. He has contributed to many theological and pastoral journals in the United States and Europe where, from 1985-1989, he was the editor of Miles Immaculatae (Rome), a Marian review founded by St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in 1939.

He has lectured extensively on Franciscan theology and Mariology, most recently with the series Mater et Magistra on Mother Angelica’s EWTN. Currently he serves as the North American Regional Superior (Delegatus Generalis) of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

Listen as Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner introduces Our Lady of America to worshipers at historic St. Peters Catholic Church, in New York City.


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Our Lady Of The Nativity Convent 1950

Our Lady Of The Nativity Convent 1950
This Storm Spared The Convent, But Other Forces Proved Fatal